Virtualization - Cloud

Month: March 2022

Spreading users over multiple Azure file shares with FSLogix Profile Containers

Inspired from


James Rankin blog script created based on free space criteria but our requirement is based on user count. Below is the snippet for your reference

<# This script created for spreading users over multiple file shares with FSLogix Profile Containers
With Ref
Script customized as per Citrix VDI  requirement, Azure Subscription will be connected with User Assigned Managed Idenity(UAMI) and UAMI is assigned to Citrix Master Image.
Script is added in Task Scheduler of Master Image and Machine catalog is created with "Machine Profile" option so that all cloned VDI's get UAMI property #> 

# This script count the directories in each share and FSLOgix VHD location is added based on count retrieved. We took directories count as users count can not be measured.

# This Script also created to address the Azure File Handle limit which is 10k per share 

# This script fetches directories count from MULTIPLE AZURE FILE STORAGES AND MULTIPLE SHARES

########### Set TLS 1.2 ###########

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12

########### Connect Using User Assigned Managed Identity (UAMI) ###########

Connect-AzAccount -Identity -AccountId <UAMI Client ID>

########### Provide Profile Storage Account Details ###########

# Provide "Profile Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$profilestorageaccount1 = ""        
$profilestorageaccount1RG = "" 
$profilestorageaccount1shares = @(
# Provide "Profile Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$profilestorageaccount1sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Profile Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$profilestorageaccount2 = ""
$profilestorageaccount2RG = ""
$profilestorageaccount2shares = @(
# Provide "Profile Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$profilestorageaccount2sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Profile Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$profilestorageaccount3 = ""        
$profilestorageaccount3RG = ""      
$profilestorageaccount3shares = @(
# Provide "Profile Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$profilestorageaccount3sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Profile Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$profilestorageaccount4 = ""
$profilestorageaccount4RG = ""
$profilestorageaccount4shares = @(

# Provide "Profile Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$profilestorageaccount4sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Profile Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$profilestorageaccount5 = ""
$profilestorageaccount5RG = ""
$profilestorageaccount5shares = @(
# Provide "Profile Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$profilestorageaccount5sharesfullpath = @(

########### Provide Office Storage Account Details ###########

# Provide "Office Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$officestorageaccount1 = ""
$officestorageaccount1RG = ""
$officestorageaccount1shares = @(
# Provide "Office Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$officestorageaccount1sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Office Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$officestorageaccount2 = ""
$officestorageaccount2RG = ""
$officestorageaccount2shares = @(
# Provide "Office Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$officestorageaccount2sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Office Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$officestorageaccount3 = ""
$officestorageaccount3RG = ""
$officestorageaccount3shares = @(
# Provide "Office Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$officestorageaccount3sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Office Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$officestorageaccount4 = ""
$officestorageaccount4RG = ""
$officestorageaccount4shares = @(
# Provide "Office Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$officestorageaccount4sharesfullpath = @(

# Provide "Office Storage Account Name and Storage Resource Group Name"  else LEAVE BLANK values

$officestorageaccount5 = ""
$officestorageaccount5RG = ""
$officestorageaccount5shares = @(
# Provide "Office Storageaccount Shares FULL PATH" in above SHARES ORDER ONLY

$officestorageaccount5sharesfullpath = @(

########### Fetch the Directories in the Profile Shares ###########
$ProfileDirShareCount = @()
$profileorderedShares = @()

if($profilestorageaccount1shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $profilestorageaccount1RG -AccountName $profilestorageaccount1
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $profilestorageaccount1 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $profilestorageaccount1shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $profilestorageaccount1sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $ProfileDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($profilestorageaccount2shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $profilestorageaccount2RG -AccountName $profilestorageaccount2
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $profilestorageaccount2 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $profilestorageaccount2shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $profilestorageaccount2sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $ProfileDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($profilestorageaccount3shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $profilestorageaccount3RG -AccountName $profilestorageaccount3
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $profilestorageaccount3 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $profilestorageaccount3shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $profilestorageaccount3sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $ProfileDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($profilestorageaccount4shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $profilestorageaccount4RG -AccountName $profilestorageaccount4
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $profilestorageaccount4 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $profilestorageaccount4shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $profilestorageaccount4sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $ProfileDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($profilestorageaccount5shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $profilestorageaccount5RG -AccountName $profilestorageaccount5
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $profilestorageaccount5 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $profilestorageaccount5shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $profilestorageaccount5sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $ProfileDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1

$SortedProfileShares = $ProfileDirShareCount | Sort-Object freespace | select share
foreach ($item in $SortedProfileShares) {
    $profileorderedShares +=  $item.Share.ToString()

########### Fetch the Directories in the Office Shares ###########
$OfficeDirShareCount = @()
$officeorderedShares = @()

if($officestorageaccount1shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $officestorageaccount1RG -AccountName $officestorageaccount1
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $officestorageaccount1 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $officestorageaccount1shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $officestorageaccount1sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $officeDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($officestorageaccount2shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $officestorageaccount2RG -AccountName $officestorageaccount2
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $officestorageaccount2 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $officestorageaccount2shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $officestorageaccount2sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $officeDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($officestorageaccount3shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $officestorageaccount3RG -AccountName $officestorageaccount3
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $officestorageaccount3 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $officestorageaccount3shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $officestorageaccount3sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $officeDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($officestorageaccount4shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $officestorageaccount4RG -AccountName $officestorageaccount4
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $officestorageaccount4 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $officestorageaccount4shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $officestorageaccount4sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $officeDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1
if($officestorageaccount5shares.Count -gt 0)
    $i = 0
    $keys = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $officestorageaccount5RG -AccountName $officestorageaccount5
    $value = $keys[0].Value
    $context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $officestorageaccount5 -StorageAccountKey $value

    foreach($sharename in $officestorageaccount5shares)
        $directories = Get-AzStorageFile -ShareName $sharename -Context $context
        $dircount = $directories.count
        $shareSpace = New-Object -TypeName psobject
        $path = $officestorageaccount5sharesfullpath[$i]
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name Share -value $path
        $sharespace | Add-Member -membertype NoteProperty -Name freespace -value $dircount
        $officeDirShareCount += $shareSpace
        $i = $i + 1

$SortedOfficeShares = $OfficeDirShareCount | Sort-Object freespace | select share
foreach ($item in $SortedOfficeShares) {
    $officeorderedShares +=  $item.Share.ToString()

########### Remove the Existing VHDLocations Available ###########
if ((get-item -path $FSLogixProfilePath).GetValue($FSLogixKeyName) -ne $null) {
        Remove-itemProperty -path $FSLogixProfilePath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -force
} else {
        # do nothing, no key to delete
if ((get-item -path $FSLogixODFCPath).GetValue($FSLogixKeyName) -ne $null) {
        Remove-itemProperty -path $FSLogixODFCPath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -force
} else {
        # do nothing, no key to delete
########### Adding New VHDLocation for Profile ###########

### Reason for changing VHDLocation property type to Multi string value is because  that FSLogix need to searches the user profile in all shares hence to keep all shares , regkey should be Mutistring

New-ItemProperty $FSLogixProfilePath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -Value $profileorderedShares -PropertyType MultiString -Force

########### Adding New VHDLocation for Office ###########

New-ItemProperty $FSLogixODFCPath -Name $FSLogixKeyName -Value $officeorderedShares -PropertyType MultiString -Force

########### Write OutPut ###########


$ProfileDirShareCount | Export-csv -Path "$folderPath\Profile_Shareleastlog_$((Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss')).csv" -NoTypeInformation
$OfficeDirShareCount | Export-csv -Path "$folderPath\Office_Shareleastlog_$((Get-Date).ToString('MM-dd-yyyy_hh-mm-ss')).csv" -NoTypeInformation

FSLogix User profile deletion from Azure file shares

Below script is used to delete user profiles based on user logon names

# Delete the Files in Azure file share by taking input value GPN(logon) which is provided in CSV

### Az.Accounts, Az.Resources & Az.Storage modules are required to execute the script.

# To Set TLS1.2

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12  

$path="C:\Temp" ### Path for input & output files

$NTRUsers=Import-Csv $path\NTRUsersGPN.csv # Input File with UserLogonNames

write-host "NTRUsersGPN Count = $($NTRUsers.Count)"

## Connect Azure Subscription with your own method

# Connect-AzAccount -AccessToken 

#FileShare Details from which the user profiles needs to removed

$fileShareName="<Share Name" # Only one fileshare at a time, to avoid the deletion of profiles in different shares.
$ResourceGroup = (Get-AzResource -Name $StorageAccountName).ResourceGroupName
$Key = Get-AzStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroup -Name $StorageAccountName
$context=New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $Key[1].Value

$FilesDirectory=Get-AzStorageFile -Context $context -ShareName $fileShareName 
write-host "FilesDirectory Count = $($FilesDirectory.Count)"

foreach($FilesD in $FilesDirectory)
    foreach($NTRUser in $NTRUsers)
        if($FilesD.Name -cmatch $NTRUser.UserGPN)
                foreach($File in $Files)
                    Remove-AzStorageFile -Context $context -ShareName $fileShareName -Path $File.ShareFileClient.Path
                Remove-AzStorageDirectory -Context $context -ShareName $fileShareName -Path $FilesD.Name

                $obj=""|select User,Directory,Status
                $obj=""|select User,Directory,Status

$finalResult | Export-Csv -Path "$path\$($fileShareName)FileSharesDeleteOutput.csv" -Append -Force -NoTypeInformation

NTFS Permission on Assignment on User profile shares

Below script used to assign NTFS permissions( List,Read,Traverse, Create/Append) for FSlogix user profiles, it provides users not to access other folders

#Below script used to assign NTFS permissions( List,Read,Traverse, Create/Append)  for FSlogix user profiles, it provides users not to access other folders
# User Groups/Users are given in input file , Keep Heading(top) GROUPS and provide groupnames under that
# Input your Storage account name and Domain Name in below script

# Whoever runs the below code, he should have full admin privilege

$permission = ":(X,RD,AD,RC)"

$Lists = Import-csv -Path "C:\temp\devgroups.csv"  #group Accounts

$shares = "<Share Name 1>,<Share Name 2>"

$sharelist = $shares.Split(",")

foreach($share in $sharelist)


    foreach($list in $lists)
     $UserName = $list.groups

        Invoke-Expression -Command ('icacls $shrpath /grant "<Domain Name>\${UserName}${permission}"')

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