Inside Citrix- The Flexcast Management Architecture (FMA)-Basvankaam -Key Takeaways

The below section is completely derived from the Book “Inside Citrix The Flex Management Architecture” written by my favorite author “Bas van Kaam”, published on May 2016.  This book contains lot of high treasured information so to safeguard the important Key takeaways, I spent multiple hours to extract the same into soft copy. Let us go through below key takeaways..

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Best Practices

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“I’ve deleted my default VPC and machine catalog creation is failing!”

It’s not the end of the world. The default VPC is a great way to get started in AWS, but the leading security practice is to delete or limit access to the default VPC and create a VPC that is locked down to your individual, company, or enterprise specifications for user workloads. (Please note, you might experience issues deploying certain sample cloud formation templates without a default VPC. Consult AWS documentation for setting up explicit VPC networking). By default, the MCS plugin will reach out to the internet through the default VPC to retrieve the latest “instructions” for the volume workers, but a simple configuration will mandate the use of an explicit VPC. Just set the host connection to use the explicit VPC in the Connection Options field!


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Citrix App Layering

In January 2017, Citrix announced that they have acquired Unidesk — the leading application packaging (layering) and lifecycle management solution for the digital workspace. By incorporating Unidesk technology into XenApp and XenDesktop, Citrix advances its industry leadership by offering the most powerful and easy to deploy application layering solution available for delivering and managing app and desktops in the cloud, on-premises and in hybrid deployment environments.”

Application layering (app layering) is a technology for delivering virtual applications that run in layers separate from a virtual desktop, but interact with the operating system and other apps as if they are installed natively on the base image. Citrix App Layering, also known as Enterprise Layer Manager (ELM).

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