Below script used to assign NTFS permissions( List,Read,Traverse, Create/Append) for FSlogix user profiles, it provides users not to access other folders
#Below script used to assign NTFS permissions( List,Read,Traverse, Create/Append) for FSlogix user profiles, it provides users not to access other folders
# User Groups/Users are given in input file , Keep Heading(top) GROUPS and provide groupnames under that
# Input your Storage account name and Domain Name in below script
# Whoever runs the below code, he should have full admin privilege
$permission = ":(X,RD,AD,RC)"
$Lists = Import-csv -Path "C:\temp\devgroups.csv" #group Accounts
$shares = "<Share Name 1>,<Share Name 2>"
$sharelist = $shares.Split(",")
foreach($share in $sharelist)
foreach($list in $lists)
$UserName = $list.groups
Invoke-Expression -Command ('icacls $shrpath /grant "<Domain Name>\${UserName}${permission}"')