- Applications are unable to launch from DR Web Interface server’s.
- Troubleshooting started with notepad application by mapping to different Xenapp Servers,Web Interface and Zone Data collectors from Pune & Delhi.
- Issue observed at DR Zone data collector’s(ZDC) as Qfarm /load does not returning any value when we run from both ZDC’s
- As there is no value returned from ZDC, suspected that ZDC is not contacting database for loading dynamic information.
- Observed that DR ZDC MF20.dsn(Database connection file) is pointing to the Pune SQL Database – This is incorrect as it is single FARM & FARM database is active in Delhi SQL.
- Reconfigured Pune ZDC02 server to Delhi SQL database by running the dsmaint config command with new username/password
- After reconfiguring MF20.dsn file, Zone data collector returning load values when executing qfarm /load and launching applications without any issues
Observations & Recommendation’s :
- As FARM will connect to only one database , we need to restore the latest backup copy of production database if there is no synch between primary & DR sql servers and reconfigure MF20.dsn during DR Drill -> This is significant step during DR drill
- SQL mirroring can configure from production to DR SQL Servers to avoid above step.
- No Hotfixes are installed, need to install hotfix Rollup pack similar to production or latest -> This is critical to avoid known issues