Virtualization - Cloud

Year: 2016 (Page 2 of 2)

XenDesktop Controller Hotfix Update Procedure

Implementation Plan

  • Take a Full backup of Citrix Databases on server locally and tapes.
  • Take a snapshot of DDC01 (Controller 1)
  • Download and Install Hotfix update 1(CTX135207) on DDC01(Controller 1)
  • Reboot DDC01
  • Test VDI by stopping the services in DDC02 so that session will be established to DDC01.
  • Take a snapshot of DDC02 (Controller 2)
  • Install Hotfix update 1 on DDC02(Controller 2) – Similar procedure of DDC01
  • Reboot DDC02
  • Test VDI by stopping the services in DDC01 so that session will be established to DDC02
  • Observe for 1 week and remove snapshots.

Roll Back

  • Uninstall the component from ARP/Programs and Features.
  • Restore the data store as described in Knowledge Center article CTX135207.
  • Install the desired level of the component (base or other hotfix).
  • Restart the Controller even if not prompted to do so


Revert the snapshot which was taken before installation

Find the document with screenshot in attachment

Document – Xen Desktop7.5 Hotfix Update Installation Procedure

Additional Information

Users are unable to launch the applications, license errors were seen during launching of application


  • Citrix License errors were seen while logging to the server through RDP (screenshot 1)
  • Citrix Licensing was in stopped state, but there was established ICA session for the both Citrix Servers.
  • Tried to start the service manually, it thrown error with error code  1067. (screenshot 2)
  • Found  application error with code 1000, for lmadmin(screenshot 3)
  • SA license expired

Work Around Solution:

  • Renamed concurrent_state.xml and the activation_state.xml files.
  • Restarted Citrix License service to recreate the concurrent_state.xml and the activation_state.xml files


  • The concurrent_state.xml and/or the activation_state.xml files become unusable and the Citrix Licensing Service, lmadmin.exe, does not properly handle the unusable file and crashes – This may be due to corruption of XML Files
  • Office scan exclusion were not configured so there may be high chance of file(XML) corruption due to scanning blocks and XML files are easily corruptible .
  • Above file corruptions are Known issues  – Please check articles (  &

Recommended Action:

  • Plan for upgrade from citrix licensing server from 11.90 to high version (>11.10) to arrest all known issues– Makes sure to have valid SA else upgrade not possible.
  • Make sure to follow antivirus exclusions for xenapp folders.


XenApp License1


XenApp License3


Hotfix Name Changes for XenApp/XenDesktop 7.5


This article explains the changes for Citrix hotfix naming conventions in XenDesktop 7.1/7.5 with the introduction of XenApp 7.5.


Hotfix Name Changes


With the reintroduction of XenApp in version 7.5, the same underlying components are used for XenApp and XenDesktop. As a result, the ‘XA’ and ‘XD’ designation will not appear in the hotfix name. Instead, the component name is prepended to the hotfix name.


Example 1

A hotfix previously named XD750DStudioWX86001 will now be DStudio750WX86001.


Hotfix Version Number Association

The following components did not change between version 7.1 and 7.5. From now on, updates to these components will only contain the 7.5 association in the name. The hotfixes will be available and compatible with both the 7.1 and 7.5 component versions.

  • Broker Agent
  • Desktop OS VDA
  • Director VDA Plugin
  • Enhanced Desktop Experience
  • Personalization AppV – Studio
  • Personalization AppV – VDA
  • Server OS VDA
  • StoreFront Privilege Service
  • Universal Print Client
  • Universal Print Server
  • WMI Proxy Plugin


Example 2

A hotfix previously named XD710ICAWSWX86006 will now be ICAWS750WX86006.


VDA Core Services Hotfixes and Machine Type Association

For the VDA core services hotfixes, the OS type is designated in the hotfix name. ‘TS’ for Terminal Server, the hotfix would apply to a Windows Server operating system. ‘WS’ for workstation, the hotfix would apply to a desktop Windows operating system. There is no correlation between the hotfix numbering for the Server OS (TS) and Desktop OS (WS) hotfixes. The ICATS hotfix ending in 007 might not have the same fixed issues as the ICAWS hotfix ending in 007.


Example 3

A hotfix named ICAWS750WX86007 is a VDA core services hotfix for a Windows 7, 8, or 8.1 operating system (32-bit).

A hotfix named ICATS750WX64007 is a VDA core services hotfix for a Windows Server 2008R2 , 2012, or 2012R2 operating system (64-bit).


Note: The previously released version 7.1 hotfixes will not be rebuilt with the new version identification, but the hotfix readme documents will reflect their support for versions 7.1 and 7.5.



Error: You cannot access this session because no licenses are available -Xen Desktop

Symptoms or Error

  • A XenDesktop session fails to start, with the following error: “You cannot access this session because no licenses are available.” Event ID: 9027, Event ID: 1163
  • Event Source: Citrix ICA Service
  • Error 0 received while obtaining a license for a Citrix XenApp client connection.
  • The license request has been rejected.
    • Note: The license error “flex code -18” shown in the DDC log stands for “License server system does not support this feature”.
  • The Broker log might contain the following errors:
    • Controller:EventLogManager decided to log event CDS_EVENT_LICENSE_NONE_CHECKED_OUT of type Warning with arguments:
      • This is based on event log groups LicensingCheckout
    • Licensing:MFLic_GetLicense result Success, request result Rejected
    • Licensing:License request rejected, flex code -18


Resolution 1 – Event ID: 9027

Check the configuration of the site: XenDesktop License edition and model using PowerShell command “Get-BrokerSite”  which shows license configuration for the site.

For Virtual Machine hosted applications

  • AppLicenseEdition
  • ApplicationLicenseModel

For XenDesktop sessions

  • DesktopLicenseEdition
  • DesktopLicenseModel


Compare the configuration with the licenses used in the environment from license server.  Check the licenses in the license server.  Change the site configuration using the Set-BrokerSite PowerShell command.


To configure the site to use the Platinum edition, use the following command:

  • Set-BrokerSite -DesktopLicenseEdition PLT

To set up Virtual Machine hosted applications to use Platinum edition:

  • Set-BrokerSite -AppLicenseEdition PLT

 Resolution 2:

  1. Download and install the most recent version of the licensing server.
  2. On the DDC, restart the Citrix services: (This can be done on a live system and will not affect the users)
    • Citrix AD Identity Service
    • Citrix Broker Service
    • Citrix Configuration Service
    • Citrix Diagnostic Facility COM Service
    • Citrix Host Service
    • Citrix Machine Creation Service
    • Citrix Machine Identity Service
  3. On the License Server, restart Citrix services.
    • Citrix Licensing
    • Citrix Licensing Config Service
    • Citrix Licensing Support Service
  4. Access Desktop Studio > Configuration > Licensing > Change Licensing Server > Verify.
  5. If the issue persists, restart all the DDCs in the farm one by one.

Resolution 3 – Event ID: 1163

In this case, upgrade the database as prompted by XenDesktop Studio.

Restart the Desktop Studio Server, error should no longer appear.

Resolution 4

  1. Confirm all licenses are visible in License admin console.
  2. Verify end date of subscription advantage of licenses are relevant to version of product.
  3. Confirm start up server is showing in License admin console and hosts are communicating.
  4. Import startup.lic or reinstall license admin console, which should create a new startup.lic.
    1. Issue occurs mainly due to either corrupt startup.lic or no startup.lic under C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\MyFiles
  5. Restart Citrix licensing service.
  6. Relaunch application, error should no longer appear.
 Problem Cause
  • Event ID: 9027 Licensing is not set up properly in XenDesktop Site; licenses are not checked out on the license server when the user tries to start a new XenDesktop session.
  • License Model: Could be User/Device or Concurrent License Edition: Could be Platinum (PLT), Enterprise (ENT) or Advanced (ADV).
  • Event ID: 1163 XenDesktop Upgrade did not complete successfully and the following error was observed in the XenDesktop Studio: “A database upgrade is available. Learn more about this upgrade”
  • Startup license file is missing from the My Files folder.
  • corrupt startup.lic or no startup.lic under C:\Program Files\Citrix\Licensing\MyFiles

 Additional Resources

Find master image used by machine catalog

To load Citrix snappins ,  you need to add the Citrix powershell snapins. To do so, type : Add-PSSnapin citrix*  or asnp citrix*

Get-ProvScheme is the powershell command provides the details of provisioning scheme & Master Image

Note: The above details can also be fetched by logging to SQL configuration database(Table: DesktopUpdateManagerSchema.ProvisioningScheme))

MasterImageVM : XDHyp:\HostingUnits\<Hosting Resource Connection Name>\<Master Image Name>.vm\Citrix_XD_<Catalogue Name>.snapshot


  • Above POST created based on personal experience & knowledge for personal reuse.
  • In case, if you wish you to use the above article, use the above steps upon proper testing and reader will be responsible for any outcome.

Recovering VM’s from Failed Pool Member -XenServer

Few months back, I had an issue with one of the xen server, we had 2 servers (Server1 & Server2) in a pool. server1 is down and unable to bring it up due to hardware issue.


  • Not able to connect SERVER2 with Xen center
  • Login to -> Putty to SERVER2 , issued the command to su –   To change shell to super user mode
  • Issue the command xe vm-list & xe host-list -> Check server is displaying VM’s or host , if not execute below commands
  • Issue the command xe-tool-stack-restart  -> To display the VM’s & host, by issuing this command VM’s & server will not have any impact
  • After issuing above command , all xen server commands are working and able to see host & VM list
  • Currently SERVER2 is a slave , issue the below command to force SERVER2 as a master
    • xe pool-emergency-transition-to-master
  • Now the SERVER2 is a master, issue the below command to know the which xen servers are false or live  and  to know UID’s

xe host-list params=uuid,name-label,host-metrics-live


  • Collected the Xen Server UID from above screenshot and issue the below command to know which VM’s are running on the failed server

xe vm-list is-control-domain=false resident-on=fdd15cbc-42ce-4154-8731-9a469ce04976  (Format : xe vm-list is-control-domain=false resident-on=UUID_of_failed_server)


  • It displayed all VM;’s which are running on failed server , collect the VM UID and issue the VM power reset  command as below

Format :  xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid=<UUID_of_the_VM_to_recover> –force

  • xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid= 26177b43-eb3e-5d49-ee09-a93bfdca1bbc–force
  • xe vm-reset-powerstate uuid= cb3f18ac-846c-ae46-1bbe-3c6e2ea6560a–force
  • By issuing above commands, VM’s registered in Xencenter and it is visible, powered on each VM.


  • Above POST created based on personal experience & knowledge for personal reuse.
  • In case, if you wish you to use the above article, use the above steps upon proper testing and reader will be responsible for any outcome.

VHD/X Disk Compact/Shrink Difference between 2008 & 2012 Version’s

Difference between Compact & Shrink in Windows Server 2008 & 2012 versions is,  in Win2008( for VHD)  it  compact’s & shrink if you select Compact option whereas in 2012(for VHDX) we need to shrink if you want to reduce the VHDX size and compact will do only compacts.


  • You will get shrink option only for VHDX format files.
  • You can run Power shell command to shrink VHD files – This is Good for VHD format files as it compacts and shrinks from command prompt
    • Mount-VHD -Path “C:\ClusterStorage\Volume7\Test\test.vhd” -Readonly   –> This will mount the VHD (VM need to be turned off)
    • Optimize-VHD -Path “C:\ClusterStorage\Volume7\Test\test.vhd” -Mode Quick   –> This will do compacts & shrinks
    • Dismount-VHD “C:\ClusterStorage\Volume7\Test\test.vhd” –> This will dismount the VHD from Disk Management

Hyper-v PS1

Windows Server 2012 ->Edit Disk  Option for VHDX type of Files Hyper-v VHDX-Pic1 Windows Server 2008->Edit Disk  Option for VHD type of Files

Hyper-v VHD-Pic2


  • Above POST created based on personal experience & knowledge for personal reuse.
  • In case, if you wish you to use the above article, use the above steps upon proper testing and reader will be responsible for any outcome.
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